Friday 2 October 2015

Knights of Old Caliban - Cloaks for 30k Dark Angels - WIP

Good morrow fine peoples,

So I want to really go for it with my modelling at the moment, so on the back of what seems to be my popular age of sigmar conversions, I thought I would try to add some more flavour to  my 30k Terminators/Veterans as I build them. These cloaks were inspired by Watheverable on google+ linking me some cool pictures, so thanks man!

To make the cloaks when I am rubbish at sculpting, I decided to make an armature that I could just apply milliput too. Normally I prefer greenstuff but milliput is freely available in multiple shops in Bristol and a lot cheaper overall. As it turns out, it was much easier to smooth once I got it on to the armature as well compared to my usual experiences with green stuff. 

These are just my first go with the cloaks and mostly just general principle, overall I'm not happy enough with them to put them on the miniatures but I'm hoping your thoughts and feedback will help refine their look. I'm hoping to utilise the cloaks to mitigate the fact that the heads aren't sunk as deeply as I would like. 

Above you can see the mesh used as an armature. I quite like it as a component as it makes the cloaks look reinforced to provide extra protection. I am debating deliberately keeping this on show as a theme. Comments, as always, most welcome,

Peace out,



  1. just a thought about the mesh - if you wanted to take it off once the milliput is dry, it should leave a nice quilted lok to the inside of the cloak that would really take a wash nicely!

    ps I'll get those models boxed up for you this weekend - as you can imagine time has not been my friend recently!

    1. Thats a cool idea Nick, I'll have to have a good old go at that. No worries! I've been meaning to whatsapp you and see how D day went and how much sleep you aren't getting.

      Hope everything is going as smooth as can be expected :)

  2. Did you use water to help smooth the Milliput? You can get some rubber tipped clay sculpting tools that combined with water will help mitigate some of the creases and 'grain' in the Milliput. That's if you wanted a smoother finish, although I do believe Nivea or Vaseline hand cream [not the vaseline gel] is what some of the more skilled sculptors use on green stuff and the like. Take a look at this:

    1. Thanks Dave, I've never stumbled across that post before and its fantastic, should help a lot on the second pass attempt. I was using water but haphazardly in retrospect. I also find milliput a lot more adherent than greenstuff, so I have nicked a box of nitrile gloves from work so I can handle it a bit easier and not get my sticky finger prints all over it. Ta

    2. Oh yeah, gloves are so much better. I used to hate getting Milliput in the pores of my skin, feeling the exothermic heat reaction taking place, ugh! It will wreck the gloves eventually though but they're pretty disposable anyway,

  3. Two techniques I've seen used well for cloaks are using the foil that covers the corks on some wine bottles, and using paper soaked in PVA. I haven't done either for cloaks, but I did the paper and PVA for a banner years ago, and it came out great. Both keep it from looking like the cloaks would scale up to be 6" thick ;)

    1. You mean your cloaks aren't 6 inches thick :P You must be freezing!! I've only recently heard of the PVA over glue method so think I may be giving that a go. I've tried and had limited success using foil, I just find it that little be too lacking in malleability for my fat fingers. Cheers dude :)

    2. You can get some really interesting results with tissue paper and PVA, you can have ven more fun if you hardly use any tissue paper as it mecomes semi-transparent:

      I tried using PVA and Tissue paper to create my Skyshield walls, but can't find the link, I ultimately wasn't convinced and made them out of Milliput over a plastic core but perhaps cloaks would be an easier project.
