Tuesday 27 October 2015

Death Company for Blog Wars X - Finished.... Or not....

Howdy all,

Here are the finished 6 Death Company that will make up my Blog Wars X list... Except I have actually changed the list since I posted it up! I made much better progress on these guys than I expected, re-finding my mojo for painting the blood angels a little. So I actually have a sanguinary priest to paint, 3 more death company, and another sanguinary priest!

Tune in over the coming days to see my new sanguinary priest (from the new priest released my GW with the Blood Angels Codex), as well as progress on painting both priests and the final (for now) 3 death company to complete my re-vamped blog wars list, as well as a post detailing the changes I have made, I think you will agree that is a much better list overall.

Peace out,



  1. Re-vamped, huh? So they're even more vampire-y now? ;)

    Joking aside, those look great, and it's awesome that you're ahead of schedule and have the motivation to get some extras done for the bigger list.

    1. Oh ho! You rib tickler you :P

      Yeah its been nice to have the painting not feel laborious! I totted up my Blood Angel collection points wise today and it tops just over 4000! And that is actually mostly painted which feels good.

      Cheers man :)

  2. Looking fab dude. I seriously love your death company army. Looking forward to seeing it (and meeting you of course) at blog wars. Hopefully we get to face off against each other. Thunderwolves vs death company......carnage ensues!

  3. They look terrific, well done :-)

    1. Thanks Marc! I look forward to seeing your choice of knight!

  4. Hi Rob, thanks for the game yesterday. It was definitely the best game I played and the highlight of the tournament for me!

    I will hopefully get a tournament report up on our blog (Claws & Fists) soon - is it ok if I put pics of our game on there? (Assuming they came out alright in my camera!).


    Graham S.

    1. Hi Graham! Absolutely had a blast with our game as well, I think it was the extra incentive of the chocolate... You were excellent gaming company indeed and it would be great to see you down in Bristol for one of the tournaments here.

      By all means put pictures up, it'll be good to see the rest of your games on there as well :)
