Monday 7 December 2015

Dark Angels Devastator Squad Sergeant - Complete

Hello again,

After a bit of work, my Devastator squad sergeant is now complete! I have enjoyed playing around with the black armour on each of my squad sergeants I have painted so far. It give them a little bit of a unique look and personality within the army. I do think however that I am really enjoying the "slate" look that I have given this sergeant's armour. It makes it looks very faded and cold, like the heart of the faithful when confronted by the fallen!

And here he is with his squad of .... DEVASTATINGLY handsome marines ;) ah.. ahaha. ahahahahaha!!

I forgot to drill out the barrel of his combi-grav so I will do that eventually but I am too content at the moment to take blade to him again. I just have the drop pod for this squad to complete and then my aimed for Lion's Blade will be complete! However I'm really not feeling the bug to paint a vehicle at the moment so hopefully I'll crack on with that later in the week whilst I sweep up a few side projects. 

I am pleased with the pace of my painting on these guys but I really, really want to slow right down on my Alpha Legion. I know that I can paint better, but I think my desire for the army to be playable overtakes that and I don't apply myself to the level I think I can do. I said I was going to do it with these guys but hopefully I can keep my word with the Alpha legion!

Peace out,



  1. Heh. Every project I start starts out with the idea that THIS ONE, I'm going to do properly and not cut any corners. But sooner or later (usually sooner, to be honest), I always end up running up against a deadline of some sort, and end up just saying "fuck it" and drybrushing everything.

    The black armour for the Sergeants is a cool idea. I tried doing black helmet stripes on mine, but it didn't stand out enough against the dark green.

    1. Hahahaha oh I can empathise with "fuck it lets drybrush" so much! Though I would have never guessed that from the models on your blog, they look fantastic!

    2. Seriously. I've just gotten really good at drybrushing over the years. I generally use it to lay down one main colour and some highlights for it, and then do the details more carefully. My secret weapon is a 1" brush from a hardware store. The huge brush really helps get a nice even effect, especially on larger Models like those SW Dreads (the grey) or my MaulerFiends (the brass).

  2. Aww, now he looks really nice, I'd be dead chuffed to have him on my gaming table!

    1. One day Nick I will face you in battle! I'll bring beer...

    2. If you're bring those devastators I'll bring wyches ;)
