Friday 4 March 2016

DH Reference Tool Privacy Policy

Welcome to the Dark Heresy Reference Tool!

This App was created with a non-coding online software as a simple free reference tool that works only with the 1st Edition Dark Heresy Core Rulebook. It has no Ads and is for a very small niche audience!

It has not been designed to collect any data or be of any use to anyone other than for playing a table top RPG. Your privacy is important and it will not be compromised in any way.

As an Android user myself, I take privacy very seriously. I know how irritating it is when apps collect your data without your knowledge.

If you find any security vulnerability that has been inadvertently caused by me, or have any question regarding how the app protects your privacy, please send me an email and I will try to help you.

Yours sincerely,
Rob not Steve 


  1. I like the to do list and for what i see you are nearest than me to finish it :)
    And i'm sure that you will complete also the number 7 of your new goal!

    1. Thanks Pablo, I appreciate the kind words :)

  2. This seems an insane amount completed and yet To Do, but everyone's lists are relative I know I'd be over the moon aboutwhat has been achieved in half a year already if it was me. "Umpteen Tyranids" - now thats funny ;) Then again I suppose the 44 currently in progress does qualify when I consider it...

    1. Well I also rate your painting higher than mine Dave, plus the effort and innovation you put into your custom fortification is outstanding. Your skyshield landing pad looks even better in person than it does on the screen, in particular the striated exposed muscular aspects.

      My mechanicum army is 16 figures so 44 definitely counts as umpteen ;)

  3. That's a long list for the time dude, plus you post regularly with fantastic content which takes up a lot of time. I think I shall join the Adicts list next year when my masters is over. Personally I tend to get painting when I have a deadline so I get the whole list thing



    1. Its been a really good motivator when I haven't had deadlines for games/tournaments to keep me going. Its also a nice reference list when I feel a bit rudderless about what to paint next. I look forward to seeing your list! What masters are you doing? Good luck in it regardless :)

  4. Making Tau out of Eva bits? Now that's a good idea.
    I know it could become a bit of a problem with setting goal times; one month is never enough but make it too long, and one might begin to slack off thinking to finish it later, which never happens. I know this has happened with me. Good luck at any rate, particularly in the tournaments!

    1. Its something I've wanted to do for a long time, check out Hobby Link Japan, you can pick up dirt cheap eva and gundam kits from them even including shipping!

  5. Good progress dude. That is a huge list to do. You are making great progress on it already :)

  6. Really nice rob. Good progress it seems! I should probably do that as well!

    1. Haha! I don't think you need any pointers from me on awesome hobby-ness!
