Friday 18 March 2016

Big Blog Birthday Giveaway - Reminder!

Hi Everyone,

This is just a reminder that we are half way through the final month of my blogs first year and half way through your chance to enter the giveaway competition to celebrate that birthday and get yourself some goodies! So here is a reminder of both what is up for grabs and what you have to do to enter :)

To enter this give away all you have to do is subscribe to my blog through blogger or Google+ and comment on any of my posts up to and including April 3rd, letting me know what you like about my blog!

On April 4th I will post a video of myself using a random number generator to pick first second and third place. First place will have first pick from the prize pool, followed by second place and then finally third place.

The prizes are as follows:

1 Forge World Magos Dominus

1 Painted Logan Grimnar

1 giant bag of bits

1 unit of 8 push fit sigmarines

1 Special character/unit (10 or less models)/monstrous creature/vehicle painted by me

1 copy of Apocalypse Warzone: Damnos OR Valedor

The pictures show the actual prizes where I already own it and the others are pretty obvious! I've tried to include a wide variety of stuff to give second and third place a bit of choice. I'll pay all the postage except for if you want me to paint something, in which case you can pay the postage to me!

Don't worry if you live half way round the world, anyone can enter :)

So to reiterate, all you have to do to enter is subscribe on blogger or Google+ and comment one any of my posts up to and including April 3rd!

Peace out,



  1. I want that montrous creature/vehicle painted unit lol!
    Could use another Imperial Knight!

    Sweet blog btw!

    1. Well there isn't a huge tide of entrants so you never know! Thanks man, glad to see you over here too :)

  2. You were already on my blog roll on my site, but sure I can add you to blogger as well ;)

    Oh and a reason I like your blog, I gave for the mech and stayed for the 30K reviews.... and more mech. Basically I am living about my giant robot dreams through you.

    1. Haha yes giant Robots! Also always flattering to be on a blog roll :)

      I am really getting into the mechanicum, so hope to tantalise you with more!

  3. Don't worry dude i will remenber your blog first bday ;)

    1. Haha Cheers Man, your comments are always good oes!

  4. It's the personal journey that makes your blog; everyone has a different experience with the hobby... and yours is better because you've got admech and you paint them yellow which is cool.

    1. Cheers D! I enjoy your blog for much the same reason, particularly the way your painting style is echoed in your hobby space. Paint Grimdark:live Grimdark.

  5. I enjoy this blog because of the Horus Heresy guides and viewing models painted much better than I could. Keep it up, and know that you are inspirational to others!

  6. Love your blog I am a new comer

    1. Nice to see you here Rajee, thanks for the kind words!

  7. Great idea, Rob. Way to give back to the community. Happy birthday.
