Thursday 3 March 2016

Big Blog Birthday Give away! Year 1

Hi everyone!

In 1 month my blog will be a year old! Too celebrate this I wanted to do a little give away to all of my subscribers who make blogging about my hobby worth it :). To enter this give away all you have to do is subscribe to my blog through blogger or Google+ and comment on any of my posts up to and including April 3rd, letting me know what you like about my blog!

On April 4th I will post a video of myself using a random number generator to pick first second and third place. First place will have first pick from the prize pool, followed by second place and then finally third place.

The prizes are as follows:

1 Forge World Magos Dominus

1 Painted Logan Grimnar

1 giant bag of bits

1 unit of 8 push fit sigmarines

1 Special character/unit (10 or less models)/monstrous creature/vehicle painted by me

1 copy of Apocalypse Warzone: Damnos OR Valedor

The pictures show the actual prizes where I already own it and the others are pretty obvious! I've tried to include a wide variety of stuff to give second and third place a bit of choice. I'll pay all the postage except for if you want me to paint something, in which case you can pay the postage to me!

Don't worry if you live half way round the world, anyone can enter :)

So to reiterate, all you have to do to enter is subscribe on blogger or Google+ and comment one any of my posts up to and including April 3rd with a little bit about why you like my blog! Yes I want my ego massaged...

Peace out,



  1. Replies
    1. Glad you like you masterful mad mek-ness you!

  2. Another one of you guys giving away stuff! I like it! As always... I will watch with interest.

    1. Haha the benefit of having a large pile of stuff you bought you never needed....

  3. Sweet! I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog when I did!

    1. Cool man, I hope you enjoy looking around!

    2. You have some awesome stuff around here. The Sigmarine Sanguinary Guard are freaking amazing. I came within a hair of grabbing a box after seeing your conversions.

    3. On the off chance that I do win though, I want those bits. My GF just surprised me with Deathwatch: Overkill and I have a bajillion conversion ideas in my head and no bits to do them with... lol

    4. Well you've currently got something like a 1/30 chance of being picked for 1-3 place and then you can just hope it doesn't get picked up before you get to it!

  4. Great contest dude and also great prize ;)
    I follow you and your blog on g+ and i'm happy to th blog's bday

    1. And you have the benefit of having one of the best profile pictures that always makes me smile when it pops up!

  5. Hey rob! Here is my none serious effort:

    You are the manatee to my sea cow,
    Your blog posts are the otter to my Harry otter,
    We were meant to bee. Buzzz.

    1. And by non serious I mean I'll
      Comment properly on a different post lol

    2. Hahahaha! My friend is obsessed with otters and he has a harry otter toy... Don't worry about another entry, people who are already regular commenting on my blog get entered right off the bat :)

  6. Hah! Happy incipient blog birthday, man! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts over the last year and look forward to years to come! Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks man! I aim for heights such as yours :)

  7. Congrats on the anniversary and here's to many more!

  8. Congrats on the one year Rob! Mine will be coming up soon too and I might steal your competition idea!

    What do I love about your blog? The awesome paint jobs on your units. Really enjoyed your Dark Angels tournament army showcase. Great to see how the force is coming along and to have it displayed all in one place.

    Tied for that is the subliminal My Little Pony fanfic in your posts. But I disagree with you, Rainbow Dash isn't the best, that is obviously Princess Twilight Sparkle!

    1. I was definitely thinking of you when I wrote the post! Its what 5 days after mine? Blog buddies :P

      Thanks Mike, its been great getting to know you and see your blog grow as well, especially the rate at which you play and write battle reports! My go to blog for none video battle reports!

      Hahaha I've always had a soft spot for princess luna - the shadow sonic of the Pony world :P

    2. 10 days. Looking forward to it, surprised it has lasted the year.

    3. Me too, its amazing how the time has flown, only feels like a few weeks ago I was meeting you at Blog Wars mate!

  9. Congrats Blogger Bday, the blogosphere has certainly expanded since Weemen started, but I am glad it is with more quality hobby related blogs such as yours. So far I've enjoyed following the progress of your Ad Mech painting WIP posts and the overview of the units articles alongside them, useful stuff. And of course SM related pics a plenty!

    Here's to many more years of regular posts, but don't feel pressured, this should compliment your hobby, not detract from it. Wise advice I think young 'un. ;)

    1. Cheers Siph! I feel I've had it very lucky with people such as your self, Dave Weston, NafNaf and other experienced bloggers really helping me along and generating a good blog/life balance as I go.

      Fortunately at the moment I'm still churning out posts due to a desire to write and share rather than a duty, so that all good!

  10. Question: Does following you through blogger AND G+ count double?
