Friday 25 March 2016

Legio Cybernetica Based - Preliminary Photos before gluing!

Hey Gang,

Today I've got photos of my Painted Legio Cybernetica models posed on their painted bases before I make and rash moves of gluing them in place. I wanted to make the bases very dark and creepily industrial to contrast with the bright yellow power loader scheme of the models themselves. I will admit to not being good with bases compared to many other people. So feedback on the look of these guys as a horde would be very much appreciated! Apologies for the flash also, daylight has not been kind today and I didn't fancy moving these guys into the light box after I'd balanced them all unglued!

Any comments or critiques would be welcome. Though due to the tournament coming up a week tomorrow any major changes that you lovely people think are needed will have to wait. But I will only stick them on with one foot and weak glue in that case... So still good to know!!

Peace out,



  1. Great work with that base dude!

  2. Nope they look damn awesome and ever so slightly scary, so just to say good luck at the Tournament.

    1. Excellent! Thats what I was going for! I will struggle in the 2 maelstrom games I think, but I rate my chances in the other 3 a little better.

  3. Great to see these guys finished! It's one hell of a batch painting job!

    1. And because there aren't a huge number I really haven't felt burnt out by it!

  4. Nice! The bases set off the yellow very well - great work, man!

  5. Dude. Those look awesome. The dark really does make a great background for the yellow, and the spot use of BftBG really ties the models to the bases, so there's connection as well as contrast.

    1. I'm glad thats come across, I thought they need tying together a little bit more :)

  6. Yellow! A great colour. I really love working in yellow, there's so much you can do with it. They look very menacing indeed man!

    1. Hopefully they'll wreck face as much as they look like they should!

  7. Those bases look fantastic, they all have unique details but tie together convincingly in large numbers. I have never really considered it before, but the blood on the base is an interesting unifying detail... I'll file that knowledge away for later :o)

  8. They look great. I like the colour contrast between the metal and orange on your models.
