Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Legion of the Damned - Lost Souls of Fire and Death

Welcome to the aid unexpected,

So as I mentioned recently I managed to pick up some built Legion of the Damned second hand at a local hobby store (it will be the death of my bank balance) by trading in my magic the gathering cards. I've had a little play with them, though I need to fix one of the bases to match the rest. Pain!

Here's some pictures!

I'm looking forward to painting the flame effect and trying more standard blending compared to drybrush blending. I think I've gotten very good at drybrush blending with my mechanicum and by constant addition of OSL to everything I paint... But I am not at all confident with wet blending or even soft layering to be honest, but with such a small number of models I shouldn't get too much burn out by pushing myself with them. 

That's all for today, expect some review posts this week and some more snaps of my mechanicum. If my LED lights arrive I'll also be cracking on with army pictures too.

Peace out,



  1. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with these guys Rob, the models look tasty as hell and should go really well with your death company!

    1. They should indeed! I decided to pick them up as they are a fun addition to any imperial forces that you don't have to match to them, a little like the inquisition.

  2. I had forgotten how good these models look. I like the poses you have done with them too, and that banner is very suitable :)

    1. I am rather pleased with the bits I added, but you're dead on, the sculpts are really really great and haven't aged at all

  3. I look forward to your next level in painting, and what those bases come out like when they're painted.

  4. Those look really nice, looking forward to seeing how you bring them together.

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