Sunday 8 May 2016

Legion of the Damned - Updated Test Model

Early evening evil doers,

Just a quick update on earlier, I decided to heed some advice and revert the head back to black. I like keeping the bone very dirty, I don't really go in for clean lighter, worn bone. But the head is black now, I haven't re-done the very minor OLS from the eyes as wasn't sure if that would improve the model or messy the face? 


Peace out,



  1. I think if anything i'd say the flames don't quite grip me, I think they'd look better if you started the orange/yellow closer to the base.

    1. I've done some dry brush blending on them and I think you'll prefer that, hopefully have some pics up at the weekend!

  2. That helmet looks so much better, I understand your concern about the OSL. I think it looks fine without, but since it's a test model, why not give it a try?

    I like the flames... But can see Nick's point, it may be worth trying a bigger gradient, a little darker red at the base, bring the yellow lower, then a little bigger yellow at tips. I'd be happy as is, but again, no harm in seeing how it looks 😀

    1. Cheers Alun! Cool profile pic as well <----- :)

    2. Thanks Rob... Thought it was time for a change, that's the family at my daughters Pirate Birthday Party, gosh, 2 years ago!

  3. BTW, are you going to put a pool of goo in front of him?

    1. I'm going to buy some sculptable water effect then OSL the shit out of it with green like the eyes I think

    2. Cool! Watching with interest 😀

  4. The parchments might need a bit of brown, but it's looking better. If you wanted a white head, I know people have freehanded skulls onto faces. That sounds like a lot of work.
    The flames were always meant to look stylized, as much a chapter icon as any. A good idea might be to wash white into the recesses of the armour, then wash orange over that and drawn out upwards in wisps. Might end up looking to busy, though.

    1. I've given the parchment a little sepia now, I was trying to go for a bluey ghostly colour but its lost against the black and the warm brown stands out more.

      Never mind busy, that sounds like a hell of a lot of work... I am lazy you know...

  5. I liked it with the bone helmet, but I think the black looks better here. Agree that it would help if the brighter colours in the flames came down a bit further. I think the Shoulder Pad is where they came out best.

    1. Hopefully the dry brush blending I've done will help it "pop" a bit more :)

  6. That is coming along nicely. I must say it has me thinking of doing a little squad up as a project.

    1. The sculpts are really top notch, its got me all excited about buying more of them...
