Friday 20 November 2015

Alpha Legion - Test Scheme 1

Hi Readers,

I said in my post about the Alpha legion that I wouldn't have anything ready till after christmas... well I lied! I couldn't help having a play. I originally wanted to make the model look like Imperial Fists that the paint had come off revealing they were actually Alpha Legionaries in disguise.

Unfortunately I just can't get that to look right. It either looked too messy or just like an odd form of camouflage. I think its a really cool idea that someone more skilled than myself could pull off or perhaps I could once I develop my skills but alas not for now!

Anyway here's my first attempt at an Alpha legion scheme with a little bit of converting on top. I'm actually very happy with how it looks but a bit of feedback never hurt!

Do let me know what you think :)

I apologise for the poor quality photo's but one of my lamps died sadly :( I shall have to invest in a new one soon. 

Peace out,



  1. I like it - if I had one thing to suggest that would make it more Alpha legion in my opinion, I'd say the green higlights could perhaps be a bit more turquoise, but it still looks pretty boss to me!

    1. Thanks dude, I definitely think I will go over the green top highlight with a darker bluer colour. I also want to muck them up a bit more with some soft rust effect, so we will see how that turns out!

  2. I've never been a big fan of the blue with green AL scheme, but you've done a good job with it here, and some great work on the weathering/damage/injury.

    1. Thanks boss :) I want to tone the green down for sure after feedback and think I will try and make the light highlights on the damage thinner along with adding some subtle rusting, I think it should look pretty cool with a whole squad. Looking forward to making the others look battle damaged as well!

  3. Looking good. Reads as alpha legion right away :)

    1. Thanks man, much appreciated off someone as skilled as yourself :)
