Wednesday 25 November 2015

Alpha legion test scheme - rusty

Hi everybody,

Just a quick update on my Alpha legion test scheme today. I decided that the damage looked to light and based on all your feedback I needed to tone back the green. I think I may have gone too far the other way but I quite want to bash these guys up but I don't know how it looks to a less scathing set of eyes as I invariably hate things I have painted!

So thoughts please :)

I'm planning on taking the scalpel damage further on the other miniatures so hopefully I can produce a better damage look with them with less need for the mad skills of the painting..

Anyway, comments as always appreciated :)

Peace out,



  1. Love it, think it works really well. Not 100% sure baout the purple pipes on the back pack, seem a little incongruous with the rest of the scheme particularly as that's been set up as the eye lense colour. One other note abotu the damage, something I've noticed in my own Knight Lancer, is to be cautious with that highlight line. Some of my chip highlights have become quite thick which reduces the believabilty of the effect. Maybe the scalpel damage will make this easier but having ended up with my own 'chunky' highlights fixing it is more trouble than being careful in the first instance. Although I'm reaching a stage of past caring for now ;)

    1. I was going to say the same thing, though I have found it easier to get the thin lines I want by touching it up ("fixing it"). I just can't get them thin enough the first time around :-/

      I love your scheme Rob, I have seen quite a few Alpha Legion armies that look like a mardi gras parade :-)

    2. Thanks Dave and Marc :)

      I definitely got a bit bored on some of the finer highlights as I was going along so think this will be an actual slow burn army compared to my Death Company or Dark Angels!

      I'm hoping actual damage will to the model will make it easier.

      Also don't stop caring Dave! That knights is looking beautiful!

  2. This might be getting a bit too heavy on the battle damage. It's not quite there yet, but with the colours you're using, there's a definite risk of this sliding to the point where the overall effect looks more like verdegrised bronze than chipped blue paint. All the individual bits look good, it's just the overall balance.

    1. I think it will be less everywhere when I am done, though honestly if my army looked like verdegris all over I reckon it would still look good!

      I'm hoping to get a second model done up and converted before christmas if not painted!

  3. I like the rusty approach here - it really gives the vibe of a marine that has been seeing a lot of action and hasn't had the chance to fix up the damage done to the armour yet. Yet, I think less will be more here - a bit less damage would probably mean its more noticeable. Just a suggestion!

    1. Thanks for swinging by dude :) I think less is more has been the general consensus on this scheme, hopefully application of actual damage with a scalpel (if successful) will help reign me in from going overboard too much!

      Look forward to seeing yours progress, the blue is excellent so far!
