Friday 6 November 2015

All Death Company Army - Blog Wars X Assembled

Death Company ASSEMBLE!

So here we have my fully assembled Death Company force that will be coming with me to sunny Stockport to try my hand in Blog Wars X on the morrow. They aren't quite as numerous as I would like but I think they still cut a good looking force of black and red death on the battlefield.

I'm not expecting to bag any painting prizes but as long as some people pay me a compliment I will gush at them... I'm also not exactly expecting to win any of my games either but one would be nice! The point is just to have a boat load of fun and meet some cool people! Aaaand probably blow some money I don't have on shiny things...

Wish me luck!

Peace out,



  1. Good luck mate - they look amazing all ranked up together like that!

    1. Cheers Nick, I hope they can do the business too!

  2. They look cool Rob. One suggestion, blogger to blogger, I really like they way you use existing 40k artwork to preface your posts but I'd consider for a post like this the army is the star and if it crops up in peoples blog rolls and on G+, that sort of thumbnail might solicit more hits. I could be wrong, I've no real evidence to support this opinion and I was interested to see what you were taking anyway but I think it might be effective to mix things up, certainly when it's something exciting and fully painted like these guys. Feel free to ignore my comment [or tell me where to go ;) ], it's your blog afterall, it's just something I would do in this situation - let the models do the talking :)

    See you later

    1. As always, the esteemed Mr Weston is right, thanks for the pointer :) makes good sense! See you on the morrow boss.

    2. Thanks, just seen the replacement image pop up in my blogger dashboard and I'm glad the you took to the suggestion, it's definitely a much better choice. When you've done all the effort and have got the goods then you should take all the glory!
      I'll be there from tonight actually, don't know if you're travelling today or tomorrow. Even though it's 'local' to us, my mates and I are 'roughing it' in Ben's camper van overnight! Emperor save us! Ha, ha.

    3. I'll be up tonight as well, but my train doesn't get in till 8.50 sadly, I'm staying at the Alma Lodge Hotel, which is a 5 minute walk from Element games. If you fancy a pint, drop me a line on here and I'll mooch out of my room :)

  3. Take your models too, the venue is usually open the night before too!

  4. Looking awesome man. It is great to see a full army shot of the boys in black.

    Catch you tomorrow :)

  5. That's a very striking image with them all ranked up together, and the contrast with the snow bases and all. Hope they do well for you on the table!

  6. Best wishes! I hope you have a great time and your army gets the attention it deserves (except from D weapons, and AP 3...).
