Saturday 14 November 2015

Workspace Overview

Hi Readers,

Today I just wanted to give you a few pictures of my room and the plastic equivalent of an opium den that it is.... I really need to sort out everything I own and buy in a decent shelving unit so that I can organise everything a bit more sensibly into sprues, bits, WIPs and the like!

I feel like this is a little bit like those dog shaming pictures you see on the internet... I am sure that almost all readers of this blog have a similar dark corner of their hobby world that they avoid making eye contact with for fear of having to actually do anything about that mess!

Anyway a little window into my hobby space:

Its the final picture which is the pile under my desk that really worries me (not lest because it involves a pair of my boxers and a bag of rubber gloves... I say!!). I am also certain that I have more stuff hiding somewhere, which worries me with regards to my memory...

Do you have similar hobby shame? Share and shame :)!

Peace out,



  1. Wow that's impressive! Sadly I don't have such a space anymore, my painting is done on my knee these days, or at work, or the kitchen table.

    I did discover last night though that I have over 100 marines to base and paint. Eek! I think I need help! Time for a painting plan!

    1. I guess you have to have very tightly sealed bits boxes as well!

      Haha 100 marines that managed to sneak up on you!? Surely they must be Raven Guard...

    2. 10 of them are! My Kill Team has always been Raven Guard as it seems to fit the theme. the others are all going to be iron fists though so are in varying stages of pale blue and gold!

  2. That's basically my entire apartment at this point. Being single and only having 400 square feet doesn't combine well with a 20-year 40K addiction :P

    1. At least being single you don't get the rolling eyes and sighs when you have to give your girlfriend a run down of the bits of your floor not to stand because your sure you lost that piece over there....

  3. You messy bugger ;)

    When my son was born I had to move out of my hobby room into the main bedroom, so my space was massively limited all of a sudden. I had to be smart with what I kept and how it was stored, and generally keep my desk tidy to escape the wrath of my missus as she was not best pleased when the desk appeared in her sanctum :)

    1. Oh I know :D,,, I wish I was more organised, sometimes I put things in the oddest places for which I cannot fathom later!

      I keep intending to buy a modular stacked draw system to keep everything in place but the money I plan on putting to that inevitable goes on other things, which surprisingly aren't always models!
